CNN's Lemon: Fix Mt. Rushmore by putting Obama on it

CNN's Don Lemon is suggesting a way to fix Mount Rushmore (not that it was a problem until President Donald Trump decided to hold a July 4th event there).

During the nightly 'handoff' segment from Chris Cuomo's show to Lemon's the subject of Mount Rushmore came up.

Lemon said, "You see the right-wing machine kick in, media kick in and see Trump’s poll numbers go south. They kick in with Democratic cities are in chaos right now. Is this what you want from Joe Biden? And they are taking your country away sand they are going to take down statues. Crime is rising. It’s so bad. Oh my, defund police. And the people who you saw there for the most part —not specifically, as a whole, fall for it. They fall for it. That’s why they do things like that. They want to paint over signs and think it’s our country. This is the country that we built. Even though a rich diversity of people helped build the country, and many of us, meaning ancestors, for free — did not get paid for it, could not get an education, could not build wealth, are not on statues, Confederate or otherwise, are not on Mount Rushmore. I think, listen … if they are going to put someone on Mount Rushmore, considering the history of the country, the first black president should be front and center.”

Check it out below. And as an added bonus, Lemon had some choice words for the Founding Fathers.

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