Texas Retailers Asking When Shopping Traffic Will Return to Normal

Texas shoppers are happy about the state's re-opening. Many have been eager to get back to their favorite brick-and-mortar stores. However, many are wondering when will things start to feel “normal” again?

Texas remains one of the leading states in the nation's road to re-opening. However, data experts with Zenreach say shopping won't bounce back to pre-pandemic levels until mid-August. The company uses Wi-Fi at retailers to track foot-traffic. From May to June, they saw a 6 percent increase nationwide. Despite the rising numbers, Zenreach's CEO John Kelly says consumers still have concerns.

“There is a strong sentiment among consumers to know, hey I know I still need to get out there, I still need to do shopping, but I don’t want to do it and put myself at unnecessary risk,” Kelly said.

Kelly says Sunday morning before 11 AM has the least foot traffic. In other parts of the country, it may not take until September before shopping reaches pre-pandemic levels.

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