Border Agents Report 27 Percent More Illegal Immigrant Encounters in May

Mexico and the United States agree to extend a border travel ban for another 30 days amid the pandemic. This, as border patrol agents have had to expel thousands more illegal immigrants in the last month, as more try to sneak in.

After a low number of border apprehensions in April, May numbers were up 27 percent. Customs and Border Protection say last month, they expelled more than 20,000 illegal immigrants. Most of those came from Mexico specifically. Some had tried to get into the U.S. in April, and came back again. Republican Congressman Andy Biggs recently visited Douglas, Arizona, where crews are building a 31 foot tall fence.

“In this area, where there’s been no fences, we’ve had groups of a hundred to a hundred and fifty come in. You’ve had human traffickers, sex traffickers, and drug traffickers come in,” Biggs said in an online video.

Biggs also said the President and Congressional Republicans remain focused on beefing up border security.

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