A Warm Moment During Chaos

During a recent loud and chaotic Black Lives Matter protest a black female activist impulsively hugged a white HPD Sargeant as things were being thrown at him. Today Am 950 KPRC host Ken Webster introduced Sgt. Charles Corgey to Tiera Johnson on the air. "Tierra, Thank you. That hug meant a lot to me. And there was a piece of me that was scared in that crowd with people throwing things at me and them calling you names. Anther piece of me was proud that in America people can demonstrate and we can protect them."As a sergeant, you held your composure in the midst of chaos. You were directing your women and men officers making sure they were safe and having their back. So thank you for having our back and we'll continue to have your back." Ms. Johnson told him she will continue to work with community leaders to keep violence out of demonstrations. "

The photo below was taken of the "happening," and has gone viral.

photo: Twitter

HPD Sgt. Charles Corgey and Activist Tiera Johnson

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