The dream of online voting remains a dream

Some states are considering online voting because of the pandemic. But security experts say we're not there yet.

Computer security expert Robert Siciliano says he'd love to be able to vote online, but it's not safe now.

"We could be as much as five to ten or more years away where everybody's device has been recognized, their identity has been properly proofed -- we're just not there yet; and to make that widely deployed between now and November, it's just not possible."

The entire world is trying to hack into American computers 24/7/365 and Siciliano says we won't be able to guarantee online voting safety until we eliminate things like identity theft and credit card fraud.

"When things like credit card fraud have been solved and identity theft as a whole has been solved; that we probably would have properly vetted everybody including their person and their devices."

Siciliano says we're at least a couple of elections away from being able to secure elections from hackers foreign and domestic.

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