Where there's a crisis - there will be profiteers.

Profiteers around the world are trying to illegally profit from the Covid-19 crisis. The FBI tells us it's happening in Houston as well. Houston-Based FBI Special Agent Eugene Wu says, "While I can't address specifics, we do have open investigations regarding price gouging and hording. We're reviewing all allegations. The FBI takes this very seriously."

.He says for various reasons, criminals with counterfeit tests are visiting people in their homes to test them. "If you come across a counterfeit product you want to report it to the FBI. You should visit www.tips.FBI.gov."

Save Medical PPE for the Medical Professionals

According to Special Agent Wu, Houston is being hit with counterfeit medical supplies. "When you purchase PPE, Personal Protection Equipment, you want to make sure you purchase from an authorized retailer. For example, let's say you're buying a 3M N-95 mask. The 3M website will show how a counterfeit might look, and how a real one looks."

if you find you have been sold fraudulent supplies, report it to the FBI. Their cases come from tips from the private sector.

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