Fort Bend ISD Considering In-Person Graduation Ceremony In July

Fort Bend Independent School District Superintendent Charles Dupre confirmed for students and parents that the district will not be holding a graduation ceremony in May. The news was delivered in a video posted to Dr. Dupre's Twitter account. Dupre further explained that the plan is to reschedule the high school graduation ceremony for July and that the district is looking at potential dates to host the event at Smart Financial Centre.

The superintendent added that if the rescheduled face-to-face ceremony isn't possible, that the district will consider a virtual graduation ceremony. The decision could come in June or July. Dupre went on to explain that seniors who were set to walk in May will be considered graduates on May 28, so they can have their transcripts sent on to their university, college or the military.

See the video below for more information. Dr. Dupre says to expect official details from Fort Bend ISD in the next two weeks.

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Photo: Getty Images

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