Coronavirus Messing up College Plans

College-bound high school seniors have visited colleges, gotten their SAT and ACT results back and are accepting the offers from their favorite schools. But they are still anxious, this time about missing high school in-class time and how that will affect their college admission. Higher Education Expert David Dillard says not to worry. "I don't think it's necessarily going to slow down the admissions process this year. The seniors this year who are half a semester from finishing up will still have credit on their transcripts."

College hopefull high school juniors are becoming anxious because they couldn't visit colleges during spring break and missed taking their SATs and ACTs. Dillard says the visits and testing will still be available in June, July and August. "The March and May test dates have been canceled. But the organizations that administer the tests say they are already looking into scheduling additional test sites and dates along with the already scheduled ones in June, July and into the fall."

Dillard also says visiting a college campus in the summer has it advantages and this year's seniors shouldn't see any blips in their college admissions - unless their high school doesn't give them the grades they needed to make while going to high school online.

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