Let your board games come out of the closet!

Sheltering at home doesn't have to be all about TV and texting. Your family could do something together. Pop Culture Professor Garth Jowett sees a trend. "The board game is now having a revival as well as jigsaw puzzles. I guess because they're bored! That may be why they are called 'Bored Games' (chuckle)! But -- it does give an opportunity for the whole family to participate." It's no wonder Yahtzee and Monopoly are coming out of the closet. Jowett says it's a good thing. "Kind of keeps a bond between different members of the family instead of various people going to separate bedrooms with their earphones on."

Parker Brothers is raking it in with purchases from families who have never sat around a kitchen table with dice in their hands. "Actually, a lot of this generation has never experienced board games. It's interesting to expose younger people to family board games. They find out it's a lot of fun." Candy Land, Guess Who and Battleship are hot sellers right now. And if your Connect Four and Sorry games went to garage sales long ago, many stores have them in stock and will let you order them online and deliver them to your car. Clear off the coffee table and roll the dice.

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