Telemedicine can't replace an actual doctor

In the midst of this Coronavirus scare people may be tempted to skip trips to the doctor in favor of telemedicine with a web cam. Our medical expert says don't, unless it's your doctor.

KTRH medical expert Dr. Joe Galati says you need to know who's on the other side of the web cam.

"The only way that I would personally do it is if it is through your personal physician or through one of the hospital systems that your personal physician may be part of."

Dr. Galati says this is not a time to trust web sites that claim to have the answers. Trust your doctor, not the unknown.

Dr. Galati says his office does offer some telemedicine.

"But that, certainly, is secure and they know it's us. But to just find somebody else to start doing a video chat, thinking that you're going to get medical information, I would say that borders on dangerous."

Dr. Galati says beware of web sites that offer advice or treatment for coronavirus; they may be traps to try to steal your information, or they may just give bad advice. He says trust only your doctor.

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