Skull Breaker Challenge - Potentially Deadly

It’s called the Skull Breaker Challenge and it's It's potentially deadly.

Two teens convince a third to jump in the air and then kick thier feet out from under them. Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Pediatrician Dr. Pam Sanders says the victim falls backwards and their head will probably hit the floor.

"The kids who are victims of this challenge frequently end up with a concussion which is a brain injury."

A skull or neck fracture are possible and could result in paralysis or death. So, If it's that's dangerous, why are teens doing it? "Part of adolescence is risk taking and doing things their parents wouldn't approve of. It's part of growing up." Dr. Sanders urges you to speak to your teen about the dangers of the challenge.

It's the Skull Breaker Challenge. Two teens convince a third to jump in the air and then kick thier feet out from under them. Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Pediatritian Dr. Pam Sanders says the victim falls backwards and their head will probably hit the floor. While it may be done as a joke, the consequences are anything but.

"Some kids - they just don't realize how dangerous this can be. For others there could be a salacious element"

No matter the reason, it can cause brain damage in the form of concussion, paralysis or a neck fracture. Dr. Sanders urges parents to have a specific discussion with their teens about the prank.

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