Two Democratic presidential candidates are spending big money in Texas

Other Democratic presidential candidates are having trouble matching the amount of money Michael Bloomberg is pouring in, which is in effect creating a scarcity.

Bernie Sanders is able to keep up.

Rice University political science professor Bob Stein said what's unusual this time is the oversize influence Bloomberg is having.

"He's not just spending money in a way that would be competitive, he's kind of dominating, and what he's also doing, interestingly, is driving up the cost of particularly traditional tv and radio advertising," said Stein.

He said Texas is an expensive state to run in because of its size and reach major markets like DFW, El Paso, along with Travis, Bexar and Harris counties.

Stein said a lot of the money is indigenous, it's coming from Texas.

"In the past, a lot more money left Texas particularly for Republican candidates, and to some extent, even Democratic candidates," said Stein.

He said emphasis is put on Texas with a third of the DNC delegates selected on Super Tuesday.

Stein said Democrats are being much more competitive for the Texas House seats, even over the presidency or Senate, because 2020 is a redistricting year. New boundaries will be drawn come 2022.

If Democrats can take the state house, even gain seats, they'll have more influence on the boundaries, which can elect new house members, Texas is likely to pick up three new House of Representative seats.

Stein added that 2016 primary spending was only two or three Democratic candidates deep.

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