Holiday season stress can can be the final nail in the coffin for marriage

January has earned the nickname "Divorce Month" since many couples wait until just after the holiday season to divorce.

Reportedly, the topic of "divorce" peaked the week of Jan. 6-12 on Google Trends. On Pinterest, "divorce party" searches rose an average of 21 percent from December to January for the past three years.

Koons Fuller litigation consultant Jenny Gomez said the new year drives people to start anew.

"The new year kind of brings about, you know this change and everybody's into self help and being healthy in mind and body and spirit and all of that and kind of getting a fresh start," said Gomez.

Or, some kind of incident can prompt filing for divorce on an already dying marriage.

Gomez said parents might want to give their children one last Thanksgiving or Christmas together.

"They feel like getting through the holiday season, wrap up the holidays gives some closure to the year and then the filing, you know, happens around the first of the year or shortly thereafter," said Gomez.

She said some people take timing into consideration.

Texas has a 60 day waiting period, which means someone could be single in time for Spring Break.

California has a six month waiting period, so they could be single by summer.

According to the CDC, divorces (and marriages) are on the decline.

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