Mainstream Media: Trump more negative on Twitter due to impeachment

Impeachment is at an impasse in the Senate. So one mainstream media outlet decided to do a deep dive into the President's Tweets since they have nothing else to do with their time.

USA Today tracked all of the President's Tweets and found that impeachment has led to more negative words in those Tweets. Republican strategist Bryan Preston would like to know what the media is trying to accomplish with this.

"What did the media expect President Trump to do with that on Twitter, which is his conduit to speak to his folks? He's going to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is a negative thing," Preston explained.

In the end, it's another attack on the President, and one that Preston says won't move the needle.

"It solidifies support among his supporters. It hardens opinions without changing them on both sides," Preston stated.

According to USA Today in the last two years the amount of negative words used by Trump on Twitter went from 14.9% to 16.4% while the number of positive words went down by almost 5%.

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