Watch Santa Tonight!

Santa and his elves are loading the sleigh right now for tonight's flight.

Aerospace software company AGI will help your favorite kids find Santa! Along with the Department of Defense they partner with NORAD.AGI Aerospace Engineer Adam Gorski says, “We started making our technology mobile friendly. So, a soldier in the field can look on a tablet and figure out where the bad guys are…OR a kid who wants to know where their presents are can grab a smart phone and see where Santa is!”

He says their software helps Santa's sleigh navigate the skies safely and helps you watch the journey from your pc, tablet or smart phone. To see a sample of the Santa flying over the Houston and the Johnson Space Center, go here. He also says this year you'll get to see more than ever before. "You can follow Santa’s journey in 3D and zoom in an see where he is and see how many gifts he’s delivered.”

“Go to the website or download the NORAD Santa Tracker" So gather the kids- anyone's kids - tonight and watch Santa's trip on any online device you like and watch the magic.

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