Beware Holiday Break-Ins This Sunday

December 1st is statistically the day with the most home break-ins in Texas, according to a number crunch conducted by Allstate Insurance. Emily Sumrall offers these tips from Allstate:

1. Lock up

Even if you’re just running out on a short errand, make sure all doors and windows are locked. Steel doors and deadbolt locks provide the best security. Also, always keep your garage door shut and locked.

2. Advertise deterrents

An alarm system is an excellent deterrent to crime, as long as it’s used consistently. The system should include a loud siren and motion sensors. Display security system decals on your windows and doors.

3. Don’t publicize your plans

Be careful when tweeting or posting Facebook and Instagram updates about the vacation you’re on or the event you’re at. If you are away, keep lights on a timer, have your mail and newspaper delivery stopped and ask a family member or trusted neighbor to pick up any packages or flyers left outside.

4. Know what you've got.

If you become the unfortunate victim of theft, it will make the claim process easier if you have a complete inventory of any missing items.

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