To no one's surprise, the media has treated the impeachment hearings in the same manner thy have always treated President Trump.
The coverage has been overwhelmingly negative. Lawrence Sellin, a retired US Army Reserve colonel who writes for the American Thinker says it's the Deep State Media at work, always ripping Republicans while protecting Democrats.
"There are probably a number of different situations about Obama has been suppressed. Certainly it started in his first campaign," Sellin explained.
So it's no surprise to him that the over the air network coverage of impeachment has been 96% negative towards the President.
"When you have 95% of the political donations from government and media going to Democrats, of course you're going to have 95% of the press stories favorable to Democrats," Sellin said.
According to the Media Research Center over the air networks coverage of impeachment was 96% negative towards the President.