This year, the number of teachers leaving the profession after just one year has reached an all-time high across the nation.
Deer Park ISD teacher Melissa Martin with Innovative Teachers of Texas said teacher lobbying groups still haven't been able to solve ongoing classroom teacher issues.
"The pay is still stagnant. We're still burdened with the testing. There still are still so many things that we need to improve in the education system. I feel like we need to be open-minded to looking at some other alternatives," said Martin.
She said the biggest goal is to give a voice to teachers and some control in the classroom, while conserving traditional Texas values. ITT’s goal is to give some control back to teachers who know their students best.
"For a long time we've had very much a top down approach to education. And, we need some education reform that gives teachers more autonomy in the classroom," said Martin.
Martin said while they respect what administrators do, teachers in the classroom need a voice.
The group is in need of 5,000 members to begin an adequate insurance pool.