Empty Nests Filling Up Again!

Almost half of American Empty Nesters are supporting their kids in some way. "55places" learned from their survey some interesting information about why young adults move back in with mom and dad. CEO Bill Ness thinks it's harder for kids to live on their own without parental help now than it was a generation ago. "A lot of it is financial. They are burdened with student loans and expenses. Younger people today have additional expenses that we weren’t faced with.Common things like mobile phone bills and streaming services...And perhaps some of them just want a good warm meal and a comfortable place to sleep every night!" Ness says one of the answers surprised him. "I thought it was interesting that nearly 60% think that their children WILL move back in with them and they wouldn’t mind it!"

For other 50+ parents who have raised their kids and sent them off into the world, "empty nesting" can be a great time for them. Many still help their sons and daughters financially - but do it so they can continue to re-connect with each other and learn to be a couple again. Maybe having the chicks come home to roost is inevitable for some.

click here for the full published report.

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