Democrats ignore your wishes while pursuing impeachment

While Democrats in the House of Representatives pursue impeachment, they ignore what you have said about the whole thing.

The latest polling from multiple places shows that you do not support going down the impeachment road. Jacquie Baly at the University of Houston says the Democrats don't care about polling. or working for you.

"They are so consumed with their hatred that they are ignoring China, Iran, and immigration reform," Baly stated.

Baly thinks this inquiry is a way to distract you from anything that might come out about how the Russia investigation got started in the first place. Baly says impeachment was Plan B after the Mueller Report failed.

"They put everything into that. That was a complete dud. They are desperate. They see that another four years is coming with this President," Baly explained.

A poll from Monmouth University found 61% against impeachment; That number was 59% from ABC News and 50% from the Wall Street Journal.

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