If you ever thought Democrats and Republicans lived in different worlds, you are right.
There's economy; Republicans are more blue collar while Democrats are not. Gary Polland with the Texas Conservative Review says it's geography as well.
"The East and West Coasts are dominated by media and high tech. Then you have the interior of the country that is more blue collar," Polland explained.
The economy isn't the only difference. Jeff McCall at Depauw University says if you watch CNN and MSNBC, they do stories you'd never see on Fox News.
"The media has decided to go in different directions and push for audiences that they think will follow their content," McCall said.
And then there's our polarization. A recent Gallup poll found 91% of Republicans approved of the job President Trump is doing. Only 5% of Democrats say the same thing. That 86 point gap ties a record which was set in 2012 when that gap existed for Barrack Obama.