Contrary to liberals’ thinking, Hispanics and Trump have similar values

The mainstream media would have you believe all Hispanics hate Trump.That’s not the case.

The Trump campaign kicked off celebrating Heritage Month in Houston with launch of “Vamos to Victory” tour. It’s a month-long series dedicated to acknowledging the historic strides President Trump’s leadership has accomplished for the Latino community.

Rick Figueroa with Latinos for Trump Coalition said they’re very much aligned with the president, as his single mom was who had seven rules.

"Get your butt out of bed and go to work. Don't expect anybody to help you. You help others when you can. You pray every day. You find a good woman you marry her, you don't live with her, you marry her. You raise Godly kids.And, you honor God in everything you do," said Figueroa.

He said making the issues along the border front and center is a big deal for Hispanics and getting order along the border. People want a process.

"I think the president's in line with Hispanics in regards to getting order on the border. Nobody uses the border more than Hispanics, and I think the border is required among people who really want to utilize the border. Chaos does not produce productivity," said Figueroa.

He added the immigration/border issue has turned into a political football for nearly three decades, but Trump will not let it go on anymore, since this is a fixable, solvable problem.

Figueroa said the president and Hispanics are pro-entrepreneurs and self-reliant.

The event will include a Trump Victory Leadership Initiative (TVLI) training to empower Latino activists to register voters.

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