Immigration official: Our system is about America first

The mainstream media is attacking the Trump Administration over green card rules changes. And they are using the Statue of Liberty to do it.

Earlier this week, USCIS Acting Director Ken Cuccinelli, was confronted with 'Give us your tired, your poor,' as the basis for open borders. Cuccinelli told Fox what they don't get is that our immigration system is about America first.

"We have always sought those who yearned to be free, but they still need to be able to support themselves," he said.

Jessica Vaughan at the Center for Immigration Studies says we've ignored this for too long.

That means that we will have more people than we can accommodate, and that it will be extremely costly to taxpayers," Vaughan said.

And just how costly?

"If we don't do this, our legal immigration system will continue to cost taxpayers billions of dollars every single year," she explained, adding that people who should be approved for green cards will wait even longer if we don't do what the Trump Administration proposed.

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