Worn Out By Politics on Social Media

If you use social media, you could be feeling a little "worn out" by the abundance of your friends' political posts. Half of adult social media users are finding discourse in their friends' political posts according to Pew Research. Psychologist Dr. Jeanie Whitman says there is such a thing as too much political news. “24/7 news cycles we have access to more connectivity. Paradoxically we are the least connected to each other than we have ever been.”

Dr. Whitman says it will probably get worse. “If we keep over-saturating ourselves with the political things on social media that are going on now --- we just going to be come unconscious to rational thinking” You may have already found it so frustrating that you have un-friended or un-followed people you used to like. Dr. Whitman says, “That’s very short sighted to start having disposable relationships.” Her advice is to take a " social media diet " for a while and concentrate on what's really important to you.Dr. Whitman says to pull back and think of your friends this way“I value YOU --- more than I value this opinion you hold.”

After all - we have 14 more months of this before the 2020 election.

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