The psychology behind why people risk privacy for convenience

A report from the MIT Technology Review finds satellites can see a car from space, but not the make and model.

Privacy advocates are worried about 24-hour surveillance with technology advances in commercial satellite imagery. There are hundreds of imaging satellites currently in orbit to monitor every single day things like buildings and roads, forests and bodies of water.

UTMB Galveston psychologist Dr. Jeff Temple said convenience is winning and people are putting privacy concerns on the back burner.

"I think on one hand it's like a slow-burn, much like the frog when you put it in a pot of water and you start to boil it, it won't know it's dead, until it's dead," said Temple.

He said our privacy has basically been invaded for the past 30-40 years and has expedited in the past 10 years with social media, smart phones and apps.

"Our need to be connected and liked and the convenience of today's society is at war with our need for privacy," said Temple.

Satellite companies claim they keep a person's data separate from any identifying characteristics.

Currently, US federal regulations are supposedly keeping satellites in orbit from completely invading our privacy.

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