We Are a Nation of Zombie Eaters

Normal Rockwell needs to repaint the view of Americans gathered together for a meal in modern day America. Mom isn’t wearing an apron, we don’t know what Dad is smoking in his pipe and Bobby isn’t talking about his day at school. We’re all zombie eaters instead.

Those are people who consume their meals seated before a screen, whether it’s a TV, a computer or a phone.

Pretzel Chips commissioned a survey to see the extent we’ve strayed. Wow.

91% of Americans admit to eating a meal or snack in front of a screen, 49% saying they make a regular habit of it.

Have you ever become so engrossed in what you’re reading or watching on a screen that your food went cold? Yeah, so have 83% of people. 86% say they just plain forgot to eat their food sometimes.

Pretzel Chips, no doubt, was not looking to discourage the behavior, but the consensus of nutritionists and dietitians say not paying attention to what you’re eating and grazing endlessly isn’t good for your health, or weight.

As for the staging of Normal Rockwell’s future painting, 79% of us eat on the couch. 64% say they sometime just eat at the kitchen counter.

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