Barry becomes hurricane and Texas will see some rain from the storm

The July storm reached hurricane status just before 10 o’clock this morning as the storm bears down on Louisiana. Stacy Stewart at the National Hurricane Center says it won’t stay 'Hurricane Barry' for long.

“Probably by the next advisory it will be downgraded because some of his strongest winds will have moved inland,” Stewart said.

Because it has no defined center it may have already unofficially made landfall. Barry's track shifted a little bit west. Casey Stegall of Fox News says there's concern in Louisiana about the Mighty Mississippi which will crest tomorrow.

“It will crest at 17 feet, lower than first anticipated with the storm surge, but obviously a whole lot higher than it typically is,” Stegall reported.

Nikki Hathaway at the National Weather Service told KTRH the track shift means we will see an outer band or two from the storm.

“Widely scattered showers and thunderstorms that could drop an inch of rain or two,” Hathaway stated.

Galveston County Judge Mark henry told us the move west proves these storms have a mind of their own.

“Every one of them does, and this is why we have full time people that monitor these storms, and try to keep us as up to date as they possibly can,” Henry explained.

Barry has already forced some high water rescues for our neighbors to the east. The Coast Guard saying they rescued 12 people in Terrebonne Parish.

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