H-E-B's Awesome "Game of Thrones" Snack Suggestions

The Masters of Food have cleverly concocted a selection of treats that do Westeros proud.

The fine chefs at H-E-B have come up with a collection of recipes ideal for a Game of Thrones watch party as the iconic HBO series comes to a close Sunday evening.

Check out the choices inspired by the fight for the Iron Throne here.

Among the choices:

Deviled Dragon Eggs - you'll want to start these on Saturday so your eggs have time to chill in a food coloring potion. Drogon would love these!

A song of Ice Cream and Fire - a delightful ice cream sandwich worthy of Dany and Jon (he knows nothing)

Cake of the North - scrumptious! No way Sansa would feed this to the dogs!

A Grilled Cheese Has No Name - this features more cheeses than Arya has faces

Red Velvet Wedding Cupcakes - a red wedding treat to satisfy your stomach, not turn it like Walter Frey did

Cast Iron Throne Dip - wow, do not watch the last episode without a bowl of this by your side!

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