Senator Cruz and Education Opportunity

United States Senator Ted Cruz was in town yesterday launching his Education Opportunity Tour. Cruz introduced the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act Bill (S.634) in February. The bill that will amend the internal revenue code of 1986 to allow a federal tax credit to those who donate to eligible scholarship-granting organizations. The program will belong to each individual state which allows education providers to be able to participate, without fear of federal control.

The program would be run by each state and individual state participation is optional. It not only covers Kindergarten through 12th Grade - but also workplace training education scholarships for adults. Cruz says, "Every student has the fundamental right to a quality education which is the gateway to the american dream and stable, family-sustaining employment."

Key provisions of the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act include: 

Optional for States: State participation is optional – an issue important to prevent extending federal control over education.

State Directed: States maintain the authority to create a program that works for them.

Encourages Workplace Training Education:  In addition to elementary and secondary education scholarships, this bill allows for scholarships related to career and technical education, apprenticeships, certifications, and other forms of workforce training for post secondary students.

Prohibits Federal Control of Education:  This allows all education providers to be able to participate, without fear of federal control.

Helps Our Most Vulnerable Students: Many low- and middle-income students cannot afford tuition and educational expenses themselves, or do not have the means to pay for the workforce training needed to secure a stable, high-paying job. ,.l

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