Report: Spending Bill Includes Monies for Border Walls in Middle East

While Democrats fight to keep President Donald Trump from declaring an emergency for a border wall, U.S. taxpayers are reportedly footing the bill for similar projects throughout the Middle East.

According to Breitbart, the bipartisan spending bill recently signed by the president includes $15 million for border security between Pakistan and Afghanistan, a total of $6 billion for foreign militaries and another $112 million for Egypt's economy.

“We need to be taking care of our business once and for all,” says Shannon McGauley, president of Texas Minutemen. “In my life it's always been taking care of someone else and not having equal treatment from other countries. This is our opportunity now for America to come first.”

McGauley believes the courts will ultimately side with the president.

“The makeup of the Supreme Court has changed, and things that liberals enjoyed for 30 plus years are going bye bye.”

Meanwhile, upwards of 600,000 illegal aliens are expected to cross the southern border this fiscal year.

McGauley says Texas Minutemen has an open invitation for Democrats, celebrities, anyone who wants to come see what's going on along the border first-hand.

“They never picked up a weapon and patrolled the border in the middle of the night. They've never been overrun by armed Cartel before. They don't know what they're talking about. It's like me arguing with a brain surgeon on how to do surgery.”

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