POLL: New Year’s Resolutions Are Ending Saturday

It’s known as “Quitter’s Day.” January 12, this Saturday, has become the benchmark of when most people abandon those New Year’s Resolutions that were made with the best of intentions less than two weeks ago.

Losing weight and exercising more are the top two resolutions people make.

Those ready to jump off the bandwagon in Houston are being encouraged to hang in there on those commitments to improving healthy choices Saturday at The Silo with Snap Fitness manager and certified personal trainer Chris Garcia, who will lead a high-intensity workout. “What we’re going to be doing at the ‘Don’t Quit Your Fit’ event that Snap Fitness is going to be hosting in Houston is trying to inspire people to stay motivated and not give up on their fitness goals,” he says.  It’s from 10am to noon, a benefit that will also highlight the importance of mental health.

Strava, a social network for runners, cyclists and fitness experts, determined when “Quitter’s Day” occurs, and says working out with a group is one of the best ways to stay engaged with your goals.

By the time the year draws nigh at the end of December, alas, only 8% of people will still be working on those New Year’s Resolutions, but not to worry.  There’s always next year.

The Silo is at 4601 Clinton Drive in Houston.

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