Education is a priority in the Texas Legislative Session

On the second day of the 86th legislative session, Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and the new House Speaker Dennis Bonnen, of Angleton, met to say for the first time ever all three offices agree to solve reforming the school finance system and property taxes.

Abbott said education is one of the first and foremost issues they address.

"Reduce the amount of recapture, or Robin Hood, but also with regard to school funding, we do want to provide more funding for schools, but we don't want to just  throw money at the schools, we want use strategies that have proven to provide results," said Abbott. "We want to increase teacher pay in the state of Texas, we want to reward our teachers, especially those who are delivering results and we want to address the teacher retirement system."

The lieutenant governor says this is the session of teachers, education, property taxes and securing the border.

The trio agree they'll also tackle helping storm victims and violence in schools.

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