PODCAST: The 12 Days of Christmas started December 25

The 12 Days of Christmas, not the song, are the actual 12 days following December 25th.

The Rev. Luke Millette, the Archdiocesan Judicial Vicar of the Tribunal for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, said for many cultures throughout the world, the feast of Christmas begins on Christmas until the Feast of the Epiphany.

“Many cultures, they begin to receive gifts, either on, one gift every single day of the 12 days of Christmas, culminating with the Feast of Epiphany, or they don’t receive any gifts until the feast of Epiphany itself,” said Millette.

Epiphany, either January 5th or 6th is the celebration of the three Wiseman, when they each gave a gift to the holy infant.

"Tradition of gift giving and the season of Christmas came about that on the feast of Epiphany, an invitation of the giving of the gifts to the Christ child that people would share gifts with each other as well," said Millette.

New Year’s Day is the eighth day of Christmas, when baby Jesus is circumcised.

Fr. Millette also works at St. Josephs and St. Stephen’s parish.

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