Keeping Track of Santa

The North American Aerospace Defense Command, headquartered in Colorado, are keeping their watch over the skies and waters surrounding the United States with state-of-the-art technology, and as they have done for more than sixty years, NORAD will track Santa.

Here’s the link to follow the fun:

“We use radar, satellites and fighter jets to keep our skies and seas safe, so what better way to continue our mission than to support Santa on his important journey on Christmas Eve?” says NORAD Lt. Col. Mary Ricks. 

Congressional budgetary disagreements are not an impediment to the mission.  Most of the funding for the Santa Tracker program is provided by private corporate sponsorships, not tax dollars, and most of the 1,400 people who man the phones at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs during the all-critical hours Christmas Eve are volunteers.

Constant updates are available by phone, email or online.  Google also has their own Santa Tracker.

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