Our Odd Family Christmas Traditions

Our Odd Family Christmas Traditions

To each their own.

Holiday traditions and recipes are handed down through generations and brought to life again each Christmas, some more unique than others.

Kohl’s asked 2,000 people about their Christmas traditions, and the poll by OnePoll found each endearing.


Dressing their cat up in a holiday costume

Playing Mario Kart games on Christmas morning

Exchanging ugly ornaments

Camping in the living room on the night of Christmas Eve

Opening all their presents on Christmas Eve

Making ornaments with their dog’s paw print

Watching horror movies on Christmas day

Sending holiday cards to people they don’t know

Hiding Christmas presents for the younger kids

Making snow angels

Wearing silly Christmas pajamas

We also stick to our traditional favorites:

Decorating a Christmas tree

Decorating the house

Watching holiday movies

Playing holiday music

Sending out holiday cards

Driving or walking around the neighborhood to see the holiday lights/decorations

Displaying Christmas stockings

Drinking hot chocolate

Baking holiday desserts as a family

Going holiday shopping on Black Friday

Choosing and buying a Christmas tree

Holiday shopping on Cyber Monday

Having the same holiday meal every year

Opening one present the night before the holiday

Going window shopping

Taking photographs with Santa

Setting up a nativity scene

Giving and/or receiving a holiday ornament every year

Setting out milk and cookies for Santa

Hanging mistletoe

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