POLL: Reminder to fall back this Sunday for Daylight Saving Time

HOUSTON - It's shame we have to turn our clocks back an hour on the first Sunday in November and then turn them an hour ahead on the second Sunday in March, but it's all part of the Uniform Time Act of 1966. States can opt out of it, but only Arizona and Hawaii have done so thus far.

State Representative Dan Flynn (R) says, "If we do it in Texas, you'll see most states follow because what we do in Texas, most states follow us." Flynn pushed House Bill 150 in 20155 which would have had Texas opt out of Daylight Saving Time, but it did not pass. In 2017, Flynn was joined by Representative Jason Isaac (R) and in the state senate by Senator Jose Menendez (D), but again it did not pass.

Rep. Flynn says he will keep proposing the opt out legislation because his constituents desire it. "There's absolutely no one who stands up and says we love changing our clocks twice a year."

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