State Democrats accused of dirty politics

With the early voting period kicking off in Texas today, there’s an alarming story that is coming out about what Texas Democrats are accused of doing.

The state Democratic Party is being accused by the Public Interest Legal Foundation of asking non-citizens to register to vote. Logan Churchwell of PILF says if that's not bad enough, there’s an even bigger problem.

“These applications were altered to already state that the people in receipt of this mail were already U.S. citizens. In fact they were in non-citizens’ hands,” Churchwell stated.

The group has alerted district attorneys across the state. They've talked ti the Justice Department, too. Churchwell says Governor Abbott is trying to take action.

“The Governor is absolutely is upset. And investigation is underway. Consequences will follow,” Churchwell stated.

The Texas Secretary of State's office also said it had gotten complaints about this from both immigrants, and relatives of dead people who say they got these mailers.

Voter Registration

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