Harris County To Expect Heavy Rainfall Monday Aftnernoon Through Tuesday

Harris County residents should expect heavy rainfall and potential flash flooding over the next few days as a weather system developing along the Texas coast produces periods of showers and thunderstorms. The average rainfall is expected to be 2-4 inches mostly along areas southeast of US 59 with isolated higher amounts. Showers and thunderstorms with locally heavy rainfall are expected Monday afternoon to Tuesday and a Flash Flood Watch has been issued for Harris County through Tuesday morning. 

The Harris County Flood Control District with the Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management and the National Weather Service are monitoring the weather and rainfall situation. At this time the expected amounts of rainfall will likely cause street flooding, but bayou and creek flooding potential is low due to fairly dry grounds. Updates will be issued as needed.

 Additionally, the Harris County Flood Control District is monitoring the tropical wave in the northwest Caribbean Sea for any potential impacts this weather feature may have on the area later this week. The Harris County Flood Control District's Flood Operations team will monitor rainfall trends and is taking the following steps in advance of the storm: . Calibrating stage gages . Monitoring bayou levels . Preparing phone bank operations . Removing large construction equipment from bayous and channels . Verifying communications and ensuring that our staff are accessible The Flood Control District urges all residents to monitor rainfall and bayou water levels on its Harris County Regional Flood Warning System website (desktop and mobile versions) at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.harriscountyfws.org&d=DwICAw&c=GC0NZZhaEw6GOQSjMHI2g15k_drElRoPmOYiK2k0eZ8&r=3hDj7VteUZYIsCFmOtZU74a-NH9mSqn1LD2KKjoXLt4&m=NLGCvQG5qWfd7v28ENk_7FdVgWQfcu7-_5TbfNDirlc&s=ZSE55tqq6JYaJuUVhwoZ3qJbbSQxAc0isrTwjTFO2xQ&e=.

 The Harris County Flood Control District has also added inundation mapping to the Harris County Flood Warning System, providing a tool to help emergency management officials and residents make safety decisions during flooding events. ABOUT THE HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT The Harris County Flood Control District provides flood damage reduction projects that work, with appropriate regard for community and natural values. With more than 1,500 bayous and creeks totaling approximately 2,500 miles in length, the Flood Control District accomplishes its mission by devising flood damage reduction plans, implementing the plans and maintaining the infrastructure. 

To learn more about the Flood Control District, visit https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.hcfcd.org&d=DwICAw&c=GC0NZZhaEw6GOQSjMHI2g15k_drElRoPmOYiK2k0eZ8&r=3hDj7VteUZYIsCFmOtZU74a-NH9mSqn1LD2KKjoXLt4&m=NLGCvQG5qWfd7v28ENk_7FdVgWQfcu7-_5TbfNDirlc&s=ll4qXpOERatwaTKShSz1bBS56DAfgkLvtWKsAJYxSJI&e= or follow us on Twitter @HCFCD for all the latest #HCFCDnews.

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