Liberals keep talking about the end of Trump

The left and the mainstream media has been talking about the end of Donald Trump for what seems like forever. But, reports of the President’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.

You don’t have to go far to find the talk. Just turn on CNN or MSNBC. Go on to social media. The talk is everywhere. And Texas Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak tells KTRH the reason for all of the talk is simple.

“They want to remove him from office. They want to impeach him. They want to make him ineffective and make sure he can’t get re-elected. That’s their goal,” Mackowiak explained.

But what he says the media and the left doesn't get is something that's very important; the strength of his base.

“They don’t understand the appeal he has as a candidate and as a President. They don’t understand the hold he has on his base of voters,” Mackowiak said, adding that he expects the narrative and the drama to continue into the midterms, which are 97 days away.

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