Facebook Meets with GOP Leaders Over Anti-Conservative Bias

Facebook appears to be taking steps toward fixing perceived social media bias when it comes to conservatives, meeting last week with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy(R-Calif.), RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel and Brad Parscale, President Trumps 2020 campaign manager.

Liberal outlets still call it a conspiracy theory Trump supporters made up.

Facebook has hired a former Republican senator, Jon Kyl of Arizona, to look into these claims of an anti-conservative bias at the company, and as part of that investigation Facebook has certainly ramped up its efforts to listen to conservatives,” says Robert Bluey, editor-in-chief of The Daily Signal.

He says last week's meeting shows the social media giant is serious about correcting the problem. But there's a much deeper problem lurking amid social media networks.

“Silicon Valley, where there's not a whole lot of conservatives and conservatives frankly aren't welcome at a lot of these companies,” says Bluey. “So by not having them present in the workforce, are there conservative issues that perhaps just are never acknowledged?”

“The former president of Mozilla was forced to resign because he had made a past donation to a California proposition in favor of traditional marriage, so definitely not exactly the most tolerant community there in Silicon Valley.”

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