Dems not as united as you might think

If ever you needed proof that Democrats are not united (other than in their opposition to President Trump) all you need to do is look at the long list of possible Democratic candidates to challenge the President in 2020.

There are no less than fifty names that have been put out there. Some of them aren't seriously even considering running like Oprah Winfrey, but they've been mentioned. Houston Republican strategist Jessica Colon says she's never seen anything like this.

“I don’t know if there’s ever been a list as long for a Presidential contest as there is right now in the Democratic Party,” Colon stated.

Does this mean that the left really doesn't have anyone to seriously put up a fight against Trump in two years?

“What this really shows is the lack of direction the Democrats for who they are as a party right now. They don’t have a clear message,” Colon explained, adding that they don't have a clear leader.

And that is why Hillary Clinton's name appears on this list of 50 as well.

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