Productivity competes with electronic devices

We might be more productive if we weren’t so busy checking all of our electronic devices. A study previously found that people who grew up with mobile technology subconsciously move between devices and platforms 27 times per hour. That means younger folks switch between smartphones, TVs or tablets about every other minute. Older adults—every three to four minutes.

Workplace culture expert Daren Martin said the idea of multitasking is a myth.

“Focus is really about the ability to start a task, complete a task without being majorly distracted by it. So, it’s a challenge,” said Martin. “The switching time that comes into play when you are going back and forth from multiple devices and putting that into session, and it does break in on concentration, certainly.”

He said organizing and scheduling when you handle e-mails or social media can help create more productivity, but the challenge is people expect quicker response times.

He added electronic devices are also a fantastic tool and we've been able to accomplish so much compared to years ago.

A Time Inc. study found:

  • “Digital Natives” take their devices from room to room with them (65% vs. 41% for Digital Immigrants) - rarely more than an arm’s length away from their smartphones - making switching platforms even easier.
  • More than half (54%) of Digital Natives say “I prefer texting people rather than talking to them” compared with 28% of Digital immigrants - a significant indicator of how marketers and content creators need to communicate with them.

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