Viagra Was Approved 20 Years Ago Today

Today is the 20th anniversary of Viagra earning FDA approval to treat male impotence.

With that approval came all those TV commercials -- like the original spot, with former U.S. senator, war hero and Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole.

Viagra spots are commonplace now, but were pretty extraordinary then.

The TV ads featured straight-talk appeals from celebrities and sport stars ... such as an early spot with star NASCAR drive Mark Martin zipping around in his Viagra-themed car and encouraging men to ask for a free sample of the drug.

Viagra ads are part of our culture now – but KTRH medical expert Dr. Joe galati says that wasn’t always the case.

Those ads removed the stigma for men suffering with ED, Galati says.

And in making it OK beup front about it, it has sometimes helped to improve men's well-being in other areas, including markers for heart disease and diabetes, Galati says.

It’s an ongoing debate … brought on two decades ago today by a little blue pill.

The frank talk continues, 20 years later -- and Galati says it has removed the stigma from the condition and the treatment.

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