Consumer Confidence Lights Imaginations

Consumer confidence is at a 17-year high as the recently passed tax cuts begin showing up in people’s paychecks.  It hasn’t been this high since Bill Clinton was in the White House.

The unemployment numbers are dropping and the stock market is usually up most days. It’s causing people to consider the possibilities of where they might like to spend those newfound gains, so KTRH asked Houstonians, “Given the rate of consumer confidence in America today, what would you like to buy?”

Car dealers should be happy with the response.  It was the top choice in our randomized, unscientific-walking-around-asking-office-people poll.  Far and away, what has people’s eyes lighting up is the prospect of buying a shiny new car.

Someone suggested he’d like to invest in a new set of golf clubs, and another is thinking it might be time to look for a new house. A nice stretch of land in Central Texas was one man’s dream. Another gentleman said cryptocurrency becomes an intriguing option when you have fun-money to play with.

The number two choice was clothes, popular with both genders.  Evidently people have been getting by with what’s in the closet, but the prospect of new threads, suits, shoes, purses, enlivens the spirits of many.  Roughly 25% of Americans say they expect the economy will get even better over the next six months, and we can expect they’ll be well-dressed when it gets here.

So it begs the question…imagination liberated to run wild…armed with consumer confidence, what would you like to buy?

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