No, it’s not just you; everyone is stressed out these days

If it seems like you are the only one that’s stressed out these days, it’s not. Everybody seems to be, and it might be the 24 hour news cycle that is to blame.

Between terrorism, North Korea, the Me Too movement, the Florida shootings, and of course the non-stop coverage of President Trump, Veronica Sites, who teaches people how to manage their stress, tells KTRH she hears from 'stressed out' people constantly.

“When people know that you can help them navigate them through stress management, I encounter it probably 95% of the time in conversation,” Sites explained.

So much so, that when we talked to her she said she was planning on getting away from her stress for the day. So what can you do to help yourself? Sites says you should change things up.

“Boundaries are a huge thing that we have not valued near enough,” she stated.

In other words, step away from the cable news networks. And maybe, just maybe don't check your phone as much for news.

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