Change the Clock Before You Go To Bed Tonight

You know the score - before you go to bed tonight turn your clock back one hour. We Spring Forward and Fall Back, and this is the back season of the year.

Does anyone still have to change clocks?

Most electronic clocks today automatically update, so this is becoming the time of the year when old people tell young people about how in their youth they'd have to go through the house and change every single clock. It's not quite the chore it used to be.

But it has become the convenient benchmark when we are reminded to replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Detractors of the annual ritual remain, while the Department of Transportation says it saves energy, reduces crime, while health experts say the twice a year change has disastrous effects on the human body.

You know the routine. The actual time change occurs at 2 am on Sunday, and feel free to stay up and watch the second hand sweep around until it is officially time.

Or do it before you go to bed, as you did in Spring.

photo: Getty Images

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