Hey Kamala – There’s STILL A Crisis At The Border!

Do you remember that big day back in March? That's when Joe Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of the border. It's been 71 days since, and still no visit to the border from the V.P. Even worse, not even a news conference to discuss it.

"She's clearly not interested in solving the problem along the Texas and U.S Mexico. border" said Bob Price of Breitbart Texas. "It was made very clear when President Biden asked her to head this up that she just wasn't going to do it. It's a horrible situation and she doesn't want it tied to her image."

So much so, that members of the V.P.'s 'team' actually tried to distance themselves from the border debacle by saying publicly, quote "we don't own the problems at the border."

If that's not bad enough, the mainstream media hasn't reported on the border since April. When President Trump was in office, it was a top story, as they tried to paint Trump as cruel, and uncompassionate.

It's even worse now under Biden, so why isn't the media reporting it? "That's just part of their propping up this administration" Price told KTRH. "They don't want to admit that the President that they put into power is failing not just on the border, but every major policy issue that they deal with. It just turns into catastrophe."

In meantime, the border crisis continues to get worse, prompting Texas Governor Greg Abbott to declare a state of emergency at the border.

"I think that's the proper response for the state of Texas" Breitbart said. "We need to be doing everything we can, and Governor Abbott is taking the right actions to protect the citizens that live in the state of Texas."

Will we ever see the right actions from the 'Border Czar' Kamala Harris? On Wednesday Joe Biden announced that he is putting the Vice President in charge of bolstering 'voting rights', in response to states like Texas and Georgia clamping down on election fraud.

So what does that mean? The Biden border crisis will continue.


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