Our Crime Rate Is Spiking - Here Comes More "soft on crime" Bills From Left

Sadly, it's become the new normal here in Houston. Soft on crime, low on bail. I know it, you know it, and most of all, criminals know it. With over 400 murders in the city in 2020, the outlook for this year doesn't look any better beginning on Wednesday. With Joe Biden set to take over, one of the items on the Democrat wish-list is sweeping criminal justice reform. The Biden-Sanders Unity pact calls for police reforms, aka 'defunding the police', decriminalizing marijuana, and eliminating money bail. There will also be a $20 -billion- dollar grant, which will incentivize and basically pay states to empty out their jails by letting criminals back out on to the streets. The president of the Houston Police Officers Union Doug Griffith told KTRH, it's not a good idea. "Sadly, I think it's going to take more instances of our citizens being victimized before they realize this is not a viable option, letting people go." Here in Houston, and specifically in Harris County, the problem lies with liberal judges. As Griffith points out, "The judges here seem to believe it is just a revolving door in and out of jail. We have people getting bonds for capitol murder! which has never happened in the past!" And so many experts believe with a new Democrat administration, even more cashless bail, which is nothing more than a promise to appear, will make the crime rate soar even higher here in Houston. Griffith says that under Biden, "I just pray that we can do something locally to change the message that our citizens need to protected, and that's the judges jobs to make sure that violent felons are not out there committing these crimes." There was a time when both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were against crime, and criminals. Different Democrat plan here in 2021.

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