Why Does The Left Hate America?

"Make America Great Again"! It was the rallying cry that carried Donald Trump to the White House in 2016 (and re-election here in 2020 - *see election fraud). But over the last 4 years, radical democrats, with help from the mainstream media, have twisted 'MAGA' into a cuss word! So why the hate for the greatest nation in the history of the world? How did the left get to supporting criminals? Condoning rioting and looting? while calling for the defunding of police? Talk about an alternate universe! So if America is so bad, why do so many want to be here? Republican strategist Vlad Davidiuk told KTRH there's more to it. It's called socialism. "Refugees and immigrants from around the world have endured so much hardship, and so much trial and tribulation to come here". But Davidiuk adds that the democrats look at them as just numbers. "They've tried to impose this even in the face of overwhelming opposition, even in the face of overwhelming proof that their policies don't deliver on their promises". He's right. In the history of the world, socialism has never ever worked. So where do go from here? Davidiuk says "Our country does not depend on great leaders to be the source of our strength and might. Americans will continue as long as they resist the hatred that the left permeates and move forward". Or put another way, may God bless America!

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