It's A Biden Vacation For The Media!

After 4 years of not taking a day off, from criticizing and bashing President Trump, the mainstream media is finally taking a break. The Biden vacation has begun! Is there overwhelming evidence of corruption in the Hunter Biden scandal? Absolutely, 100%. But that's negative, and more importantly truthful. So instead, the media is focusing on the other big issues. No not the economy, or the pandemic, or the millions of Americans who struggling due to the ridiculous lockdowns. The big story? Joe Biden's dogs! Yes, this is the going to be the norm for the next 4 years. Political consultant Joe Brottell told KTRH "I think it's going to be interesting to see if they (media) hold Joe Biden accountable the same way." Highly unlikely. From Biden's pets, to posts of what kind of socks he wears! It's going to be an absolute lovefest, at least for the mainstream media. The complete opposite of how Trump was treated. Brottell adds "It's always fun for the press for the press corp to get a shiny new toy." It's a Biden vacation!

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